The other day while at the cabin I was resting in the peace and quiet. I felt a tugging at my heart, a need to pray. I prayed and spent some quiet time with the Lord. I enjoyed the birds singing and the smell of the honeysuckle coming through the cabin windows. I felt inspired and I sat down and wrote this poem while sitting on my cabin porch. I wanted to share it and I hope you enjoy it.
The inventions we’ve created in comparison are pale
To things that God has given us to numerous to tell
Please let me show you, if you will but listen
Turn off, turn down and unplug our witty inventions
I unplugged the radio with the blaring tune
And listened to the songbirds sing something new
It was a song so sweet and they were all on key
It was a gentle soothing song that God wrote just for me
I turned off the T.V. with the violence and shame
And instead watched my children busily at play
They were very entertaining and it made my heart glad
To know God has blessed me with all that I have
I turned off the air and sat in the shade of the trees
And enjoyed the coolness of the feather soft breeze
I sat there so still and said a short but silent prayer
Simply thanking God for His breath of fresh air
I turned off my computer with my lovely blog
And the sight of God's palette pulled me out of a fog
I took time to smell the roses and savor heaven's scent
The suns warmth upon my face felt like an old friend
Finally I unplugged the phone that rudely interrupts
And carries false and vicious tales entirely too much
Gently in my heart spoke that still small voice
I’d have never heard Him had I not turned off the noise
I simply love the poem. How true the words. Have been wondering about you and how you have been doing. Hope this finds you doing good. Have a good one.
Your poem brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing what God inspired you to write. This is a lesson for me also.
Lovely poem - truly we can't hear God's voice until we set time for it - thanks for sharing.
I love the poem. Thank you so much. It is so true. The noise keeps us many times from hearing that small still voice or smelling the roses, we just don't take the time to do. we miss out on so much . thanks for reminding us what we are missind. connie from Texas
That is truly an inspiring poem, Mikki Jo! Thanks so much for sharing the talent and inspiration that God has given to you. I love it when there is no other noise in my house except the birds and the breeze through my open window. Living on a dirt road, the traffic is sparse--sometimes only a car or two per hour--sometimes less!
Ohhhh Rosemary How I wish our roads were still dirt. Without all the dust of course. We live wayyyy out in the country, actually as far out as you can get, but our roads aren't dirt any longer.
Nice Mikki Jo! It is a wonder anyone ever hears his voice.
MikkiJo, what a special talent you have, that poem sums it up so perfect! I think you should print it, add one of your lovely photos, frame it and hang it in the cabin that inspires you so much! I loved it!
Love your poem! What a gorgeous rose! The color is stunning! Have a great day!
I enjoyed and love your beautiful poem. It expresses how I often feel when sitting out on my porch on warm Spring and Summer mornings and evenings, and when I take walks through the woods. I too am very blessed to live in a beautiful area and for that I am unceasingly grateful. Thank you Mikki Jo! Blessings to You! Claudia O.
I love the thought provoking-mess of your poem. It really makes one think about making a conscious effort to be still and hear God.
Very thought provoking --- and I think roses at your cabin will be beautiful!
Beautiful words Mikki Jo.... you should write often, you have a gift.
Bev (Bee Haven Maven)
What beautiful words. And so true. God is always there in the silence. All too often we forget that.
That is just wonderful Mikki Jo. What a dear, dear heart you have. And what a message I needed to hear!
You're a wonderful writer. I agree it feels good to get away from the world and enjoy God's gifts.
Beautiful, MJ!!
I love sitting on my porch when evening rolls around, smelling all those fragrant roses, peonies and the like. Life doesn't get much better, does it?
That is a beautiful poem, and a reminder of the power of God! I need to listen more, too!
So beautiful Mikki! I miss you! Hugs! Debi
Beautiful poem!
I live in the country in Indiana...near a bigger town.
hope all is going well with you. love visiting your blog.
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