Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grandma's Wisdom

Today is the anniversary of my dear Grandma's passing. I miss her very much. She was a very wise lady, very energetic, loving, strong, and prayerful. She taught me many things growing up, and some lessons may not have been welcomed, but needed. She always had me a surprise when I would visit. She'd motion for me to come to her side and whisper in my ear, "Go look under Grandma's bed, I've got ya a play-purty under there." I would take off running and there was alway the grandest treasure. She loved to cook for her family, she enjoyed watching us eat. I always loved to sit on the porch swing with her, and we'd sing old hymns. She always told me I could sing good. She is the only person I have let listen to me sing. She was not only my Grandma, she was a very good friend. We shared a lot together. I loved listening to her tell stories of her childhood, even though some of them were painful for me to hear. She had a very hard life as a child, but you'd never known it. She didn't complain, and she was thankful for her life. I loved to watch her wash the clothes in the old wash house, she'd scrub on that scrub board like nobody's business and just sing away the whole time. I'd sit on the back stoop and just soak in the sun, and relish the beautiful voice of Grandma and the rythmic noise from the scrubboard as she washed the clothes. What a way to spend the day. Age is quickly sneaking up on me, and I pray I leave an imprint on my Grand children's hearts, the way my Grandma did on mine. My Grandma's wisdom and love is etched upon my heart, forever changed my life. And I pray I pass it to the next generation with as much elegance as Grandma used. I love you and miss you Grandma.

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