Monday, November 14, 2011


The mark of a woman after God's own heart is found in how she loves others. How she serves, shelters, comforts, and gives selflessly. This defines a woman I know. A woman I have grown to love and care for over the years. A best friend to my dear Mother. A best friend to me and my family.
She has cried and prayed with my family, and for my family. She has shared the happiest of times with us, as well as the most devastating. No words could ever express what she means to us. Special friendship, loving relationship, the best of friends. No, these words don't suffice. She is so much more.
She has an amazing loyalty to those she loves. Sometimes she may seem a little rough around the edges to some, but she has a heart of gold. Sometimes she may seem to be a bit harsh, but it's only because she loves so deeply. She has a humble heart and loves the Lord, she is a woman after God's own heart. I love you Wanda. God bless and keep you always.

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