Monday, November 5, 2012
A Mother’s love is draped over her child as a covering of protection and strength. Tucked in tightly here and there to leave nothing exposed. The mind, to safeguard against ungodly things. The feet, to strengthen the long journey ahead. The hands, to prepare for a life’s work. The heart, to soften for the acceptance of love and strength for the heartbreaks that shall surely seek to destroy it.
The covering of love has been anointed by the Holy Spirit. It’s been given the wisdom of God. It knows when to un-tuck a corner, and when to tuck another corner in even more tightly. A Mother’s love is not perfect in that it always hangs on or turns loose when it should. But it’s perfect in it’s purity, and loyalty.
The day comes when that Mother shall take her last breath. She is gone now. Where is the covering of love? Is it also gone? Oh no, it will never leave. This is when the mantle of love reaches it’s maturity. It comes full circle now. That love shall cradle the child, bringing strength and comfort. A Mother’s love spans all generations, and death has no hold on it. A Mother’s love, it is miraculous. ~~Mikki Jo
Monday, November 14, 2011

She has cried and prayed with my family, and for my family. She has shared the happiest of times with us, as well as the most devastating. No words could ever express what she means to us. Special friendship, loving relationship, the best of friends. No, these words don't suffice. She is so much more.
She has an amazing loyalty to those she loves. Sometimes she may seem a little rough around the edges to some, but she has a heart of gold. Sometimes she may seem to be a bit harsh, but it's only because she loves so deeply. She has a humble heart and loves the Lord, she is a woman after God's own heart. I love you Wanda. God bless and keep you always.
Monday, November 22, 2010

Know that I'm still here
We've left a legacy
And know that I'm smiling
When in them, you see me
Memories are very dear
But they're not all you have
You'll hear me softly
In our grandbabies laugh
Don't miss me so
I'll be right here
When you speak to God
Know that I am near
The "us" that you miss
Is with you still today
Just look into our childrens eyes
And you'll look "us" in the face
Look to our future
Our grandbabies as they grow
There we are again
Why we'll never grow old
For another generation
Will come and then go
But we will always be
Within their very soul
And when this old world
Comes to an end
We will all be together
Walking hand in hand
For Daddy November 22, 2010
My Mom

I don't know what a definition is for a regular Mom, but I know what my Mommy was and still is.
She was loving, brutally honest, and funny. She was real. She loved to give. She loved her family with passion. She loved her friends. She was loyal and faithful. She loved the Lord and if she didn't think you knew Him, you would after she told you all about Him. She was a child at Christmas time. She was creative. She was beautiful inside and out. She had the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. She was my best friend. She loved my Daddy more than life, and you could see it when she looked at him. Today as the exact time approached that she left this earth, I stood out on my porch and looked toward the east. I just waited. The most pleasant breeze stirred the fall leaves and I smiled as I felt it against my cheek. I love you Mommy.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
WHAT IF.....

After looking at this picture of my Great Grandfather Joshua Mullins and my Great Great Grandparents Daniel Duff and Susan Mullins, I began to daydream of their lives. For you see, the further I can see back in time, the more I realize it's a miracle for me to be on this earth. What if.... Abraham DeMoulin and his wife had been discovered as they left France to come to Jamestown Virginia aboard the Ship Mary and Ann to escape religious persecution. What if..... William Grancer (Mullen) had not met his beautiful wife and had their sweet daughter Mary Agnes (Mullins). What if Edward Polly (Mary Agnes' husband) had been killed during the Revolutionary War. What if..... Randolph Polly had not escaped after being held prisoner during the Civil War. What if Daniel Duff Mullins the Rebel had killed a man that he had great love and respect for, Valentine, his Yankee enemy, his beloved father-in-law. Each one of these is a grandparent of mine, no matter how many generations ago. If their lives had not been spared, or they had loved a different woman, or chose a different road..... I wouldn't be here today. I am thankful for those that went before me, and I love them each and every one. I am who I am because of these people. Isn't it an amazing thing to look back thru time and see how paths crossed, how God protected, how faith survived. I don't see these people as dry bones, and long forgotten. I see them living and breathing, within my own soul and spirit. I hear their wisdom with my heart. I feel their love as I stand over the hallowed ground where they rest. I am proud of my Eastern Kentucky heritage. The faithful beloved mountains sheltered my family many many years, and gave forth an abundance of food and fare that kept and sustained them during the hard times. These same mountains cradle my loved ones, until the trumpet shall sound. What a glorious day that will be indeed.
God amazes me with His marvelous creation. The sun just rising over the ocean.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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